
The South San Francisco Mothers Club seeks to nurture an engaging and supportive community for parents and expectant parents living in or around South San Francisco. We offer each other support, encouragement, resources, fun, and friendship! Our members enjoy:
  • A friendly and secure community of local parents
  • A forum for asking for advice, sharing info, and socializing
  • A variety of playgroups and activities for parents and kids
  • Special interest sub-groups (Book Club, fitness, etc)
  • Annual family events (holiday parties, summer picnic, etc.)
  • Support programs like In-A-Pinch meals for families
  • Community outreach and service programs
  • Exclusive local discounts
Like what you see?  Become a member to access our directory, forum, and events calendar. Where do the dues go? We are a volunteer-run, non-profit organization, so dues go straight back into operating expenses (PO Box fee, website upkeep, charitable causes, members-only events, etc.). By joining the club, you agree to adhere to the By-Laws.